Locals SZN - Peru
Prescription Roasting Local SZN Label
Prescription Roasting

Locals SZN - Peru

Regular price $17.00 $0.00 Unit price per


Never run out of coffee again. VIEW SUBSCRIPTIONS


The dark chocolate, walnut, and brown sugar make you feel like you're on vacation in your own backyard. That time of year when the tourists head home and we have it all to ourselves. 

LOCALS SZN is sourced from family-owned farms organized around Cooperativa Agraria de Servicios Múltiples Selva Andina (Selva Andina), which operates in communities within Jaen in the department of Cajamarca, Peru. 

This lot comes from 250 producers who live in the Community of Miraflores.

When we thought about the single origins we wanted to offer, we kept coming back to Peru. The sweet notes and medium body prompted countless texts that read "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

That's when we knew.


We at Prescription Roasting want you to receive the freshest coffee possible.
We roast every week on Tuesdays and ship Wednesdays.

Place your order by noon on Tuesday and we'll get it shipped fresh the next day.